Posts Categorized: General Dentistry

Why Do We Get Cavities?

Have you ever had a cavity before? If so, you’re definitely not alone, as this issue affects children, teens, adults, and even seniors. Why do we get cavities? You may be surprised to find out that everything from our diet to our brushing/flossing habits can increase or decrease the risk of a cavity forming.

Do You Have TMD Or Bruxism?

If you suffer from routine headaches or discomfort in your jaw, then you may be experiencing the common symptoms of an oral health issue. Both TMJ disorder and bruxism are related to the issues with our jaw joints and can lead to serious complications without treatment. What are these disorders? How are they linked? What… Read more »

How Do You Correct Misalignment?

If you have crooked or crowded teeth, then you suffer from misalignment. How do you correct misalignment? In the past, your only option involved traditional metal braces. However, we can now improve the alignment of your smile with clear braces. Do you have questions about Invisalign? How does treatment work?

How Do You Prevent Cavities?

Without treatment, something seemingly minor as a cavity can soon progress into an infection or abscess, threatening the stability of the tooth. But is there a way to prevent cavities from even developing? With a preventive approach to dental care, you can limit your risk of tooth decay.