Posts Categorized: General Dentistry

How Do You Avoid Bad Breath?

Few issues are as embarrassing as poor breath. This issue can make social interactions awkward or cause you to have difficulties with relationships. However, there are ways to help avoid bad breath. With a healthy smile and a better diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of halitosis and enjoy fresher breath.

Do You Have FAQs About Sleep Apnea?

Losing sleep can have a very negative impact on your quality of life. In fact, patients with obstructive sleep apnea can eventually develop a greater risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. Fortunately, Dr. Engelberg, along with Dr. Jennifer Mularky, can diagnose and help treat your sleep issues so you can rest easy… Read more »

Safeguard Your Smile This Summer

For kids of all ages, summer is a break from a school and a chance to relax and kickback a little. As parents, you can help safeguard your children against cavities this summer with a few simple steps. Better snacking and improved oral hygiene can help strengthen smiles and protect them from harmful and uncomfortable… Read more »

Gum Disease Or Gingivitis?

If you have discomfort in your gum tissue or bleed easily when brushing or flossing, then you may have a periodontal-related problem. Gingivitis and gum disease are two related disorders that threaten your overall health. But what’s the difference between these two issues? How are they related?