Posts Categorized: General Dentistry

Can We Really Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a very serious threat to your oral health, from causing uncomfortable symptoms to increasing the risk of adult tooth loss. If the disease is such a serious threat, can we really prevent it? The answer is yes. With the right approach, you can help significantly reduce your risk of developing the disease.

5 Simple Steps For Improving Oral Health

The health of our smiles can impact our overall health. Which means protecting your teeth and gums is essential for more than just maintaining the appearance of your smile. There are a number of ways you can improve your oral health, from scheduling routine visits with the dentist to eating a healthier diet.

Do You Need Laser Surgery?

Gum disease is a very serious oral health concern, one that effects millions of people in the United States. Once the disease develops, there is no cure, but we can successfully manage it with the proper treatments, such as advanced laser surgery. Do you need laser surgery to restore the health of your gums?

How Do You Stop TMD?

Soreness or pain in your jaw could be the result of a serious oral health issue known as TMJ disorder, or TMD. Over ten million people in the United States experience the symptoms of this disorder. But how do you stop TMD? What treatment options are available to improve your oral health?