Posts Categorized: Restorative Dentistry

Am I A Candidate For Immediate Implants?

When you find yourself faced with tooth loss you can be left feeling embarrassed and wondering what do to next. We recommend replacing the missing tooth/teeth to return your smile to full function and health. We can often place a dental implants to provide a strong and long lasting tooth replacement. In some cases, extraction… Read more »

How Does Tooth Loss Impact Your Smile?

Have you lost one or more teeth? Missing teeth can obviously make you embarrassed about the appearance of your smile. In addition, you could have trouble speaking clearly or eating as you did prior to your tooth loss. However, there are many other very serious complications related to losing your natural teeth. Find out how… Read more »

How Do Inlays And Onlays Differ From Crowns?

Restorative dental procedures are used to return damaged or decayed teeth to full function and health. You’re probably familiar with our more common restorations, such as crowns or fillings. However, we also offer inlays and onlays to restore teeth. How do inlays and onlays differ from crowns or fillings?

Should You Consider A Dental Bridge?

In previous blogs we’ve discussed how dental implants, as well as full or partial dentures, can help restore lost teeth. However, we also offer another method of addressing tooth loss: dental bridges. Should you consider a dental bridge? How does this differ from implants or dentures?