Skokie Cosmetic Dentist Asks if you’re Ready for your Close-Up?

PhotographerYou may be the subject of multiple photos over the holiday season. These days, with social media and almost everyone having cameras on their cell phones, you have probably already been photographed far more than the average person of generations past. Are you old enough to remember when pictures involved film and going to the closest developer? You would have to wait for several days for your pictures to come back, and usually at least half of them were duds. Nowadays, we can delete the photos we dislike and instantly share the gems. What if you hate having your picture taken because the idea of smiling means showing off the fact that your teeth are highly flawed? Skokie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, will explain three common cosmetic dental procedures that could have you smiling more freely for pictures by Christmas. (more…)

Libertyville Cosmetic Dentist Offers Tips on Finding the Right Dentist for You

List makingHave you been making your Christmas wish-list yet? Are you imagining New Year’s goals already? If a new smile is on your list of top improvement goals, thanks to cosmetic dental work, your dreams can become a reality before long. From teeth whitening to dental bonding to porcelain veneers, Libertyville cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, always encourages new patients to take care when choosing him or anyone else as their new cosmetic dentist.

Utilize the Internet

When researching a dentist, you have a great resource at your fingertips – the internet. While there are certainly dentists in practice that don’t have an internet presence, most dental offices in the modern age have embraced the necessity of developing a web site. This provides patients the opportunity to have their questions answered without having to make so much as a phone call. If you subscribe to the art of list making, you can check various (more…)

Lincolnshire Cosmetic Dentist Talks Turkey Teeth

TurkeysThe anatomy of human teeth is important to understand when considering cosmetic dental work, or any dental procedures, for that matter. The bulk of your teeth is called dentin, which extends down from the crown (top) of your smile and well underneath the gumline. Nourished and held tight by your dental pulp (including roots) the visible part of your dentin is covered in a protective coating called enamel. All of these parts work together in a clean and healthy mouth so that you can eat, speak, and smile with comfort and ease. As you get ready to settle in for your turkey dinner next week, have you ever considered whether or not your favorite Thanksgiving bird has teeth? Lincolnshire cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent A. Engelberg is no turkey, but has more information to share on this terrific T-day topic.

How Do Turkeys Eat?

Every type of poultry we consume is equipped with a beak which they utilize to obtain food. Bird mouths have salivary glands, just the same as humans. However, if your turkey is dry on Thanksgiving, it has nothing to do with dry mouth. The natural moisture inside a turkey’s oral cavity moistens the feed they consume, making it easy for the bird to swallow. Also just as humans do, turkeys have tongues which they use (more…)

Vernon Hills Cosmetic Dentist Offers Tooth Contouring

Smiling couple fallWhen your dental issues are subtle, but just obvious enough to make you regularly unhappy with your smile, there are sometimes conservative cosmetic solutions. This is good news in terms of cost and healing time. For example, if you are unhappy with the shape of your teeth, dental contouring is a procedure that removes small amounts of your tooth enamel to create symmetry or a softened look. Sometimes we use tooth contouring as a precursor to dental bonding. Vernon Hills dentist, Dr. Brent A. Engelberg, can help you decide if contouring your teeth might offer you the cosmetic dental results you are seeking.

What is Dental Contouring?

Dental contouring is amongst one of the more non-invasive cosmetic dental procedures. We sometimes have patients who might even find the procedure covered by insurance if their tooth damage is a result of an accident or injury. Issues with (more…)