Rolling Meadows Cosmetic Dentist Explains Types of Smiles

Are you a “smiley” person, or do you avoid smiling because of embarrassment over the way your teeth look? When you aren’t comfortable smiling, you are going to lead a much more guarded life. Smiles express so much beyond happiness. In fact, certain smiles can be a cover for someone that is lying and deceiving. Rolling Meadows cosmetic dentist, Dr. Engelberg, will speak more about different types of smiles.

Smile Subtleties

Smiles are so versatile, and can happen for a multitude of reasons. The obvious is when you are happy, and you can identify this smile because it generally takes place during a joyous time, and accompanies an organic feeling. An attentive smile is more of an expression to show the person that’s talking to you that you are plugged in and listening to them. Not as pleasant would be an embarrassed smile. You’ve probably experienced this one when you do something unintentionally mortifying, such as tripping and falling, or even just saying something that has you sticking your foot in your mouth.

Felt or False?

A false smile (also known as a posed smile) is one that someone puts on their face in a forced way to give the appearance that they’re happy when they probably aren’t. It can also be thought of as a fake smile. Many times, politicians who have to smile all day on the campaign trail, or movie starts that spend a great many hours on the red carpet, have mastered false smiles.

On the other side of the spectrum are felt smiles, which are sincere because they come from feelings. You can see the difference between a false and felt smile by looking at someone’s eyes. Generally, if their smile is genuine and from-the-heart, the area around their eyes will crinkle up and give them a warm, friendly appearance.

Cosmetic Dentist Avalable in Rolling Meadows

If you are not happy with your smile, your Rolling Meadows cosmetic dentist, Dr. Engelberg, can help with a variety of cosmetic procedure possibilities. You can reach our 60061 dentist office at 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
