Looking For Clear Orthodontics? Try Invisalign!

For years, the only solution for a crooked or crowded smile involved metal braces. However, now we can help patients with uneven smiles using a series of clear plastic aligners. You can now enjoy clear orthodontics, obtaining a straighter smile without being self-conscious about your appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign

Question: Can anyone wear them?

Answer: Invisalign can help a wide range of patients, often including those with minor and more advanced misalignment. We will need to examine your smile and assess the cause and severity of your misalignment. After doing so, we can decide if this is the best course for your smile correction.

Question: How do you make the aligners?

Answer: We will take detailed digital impressions of your smile, as well as digital x-rays and intraoral photographs. These materials will be sent to an Invisalign lab, where experts will create a series of aligners custom-made for your smile.

Question: Do I wear them all day, every day?

Answer: Yes, they will be worn for between 20 to 23 hours per day, removed only for meals or when brushing and flossing the teeth. The total course of treatment will depend on the severity of the misalignment (and whether the aligners have been worn as prescribed) but on average, treatment takes about a year.

Question: Will they be noticeable?

Answer: No, they will be made from a clear plastic, so they will be practically invisible when worn. In addition, the plastic aligners will be comfortable and help patients avoid the cheek and gum irritation often encountered with metal braces. Finally, being removable means brushing and flossing is much easier, and that patients won’t need to avoid certain foods.


Dr. Brent Engelberg and our highly-skilled team proudly serve patients and their families from Arlington Heights, IL, and all surrounding communities, including: Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, and the Northern and Northwest Chicago Suburbs. To learn more, schedule a consultation online, or call our office today at 847-259-8030.

