Palatine Cosmetic Dentist Offers Oral Hygiene Tips for Cosmetic Dental Work

If you undergo cosmetic dental work, there is no better time to ensure that your at-home dental self-care habits are up to par. The basics are simple: brushing and flossing. However, many people don’t realize that they should floss before brushing their teeth. This way, the debris that is dislodged won’t remain in your mouth. For something like oral hygiene which should be practiced at least twice-a-day, many people need a brush up to ensure that they’re using the right tools in the right ways. Palatine cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, will offer you more tips on keeping teeth clean, whether they are natural, or cosmetically attained.

Flossing Your Teeth

So you think you know how to floss? Well, you may be right on, but many people don’t know the ins and outs of proper and effective flossing. It’s important that you have awareness of the fact that your teeth are curved so that you make full contact between the floss and surfaces of your teeth. For this reason, while floss threaders are better than no flossing at all, they will not allow you to curve the flossing material sufficiently. To remove plaque and food particles with floss, do not simply push floss straight down to the gumline. Guide floss between teeth to remove debris, and follow up with a good tooth brushing.

Brushing Your Teeth

Two times each day is the minimum amount that you should brush your teeth. Even better would be after every meal. Your Palatine cosmetic dentist recommends a soft bristled toothbrush.  The technique that is best for your teeth is called the “Modified Bass Technique.” The way it works is that you should angle the toothbrush bristles toward your gumline at a forty-five degree angle. Move the brush in a back and forth motion, and pay particular attention to your gumline where plaque and tartar is known to collect. Slow and steady wins this race. Brushing hard and fast for a short period of time won’t be as effective and can even lead to oral injuries.

Visit Your Palatine Cosmetic Dentist

Your Palatine cosmetic dentist can offer tips for how to care for teeth, especially if you have opted for  cosmetic dental treatment. To schedule a cosmetic consultation, call our 60067 cosmetic dentist office at 847-259-6988. We proudly serve patients who reside in the Chicago suburbs of Buffalo Grove, Palatine, Schaumburg, Barrington, Long Grove, Deerfield, Wheeling, the 60015 zip code, and the surrounding communities.

