Porcelain Veneers in Buffalo Grove with Cosmetic Dentist

Some cultures don’t give smiles as freely as we do here in the United States. In fact, there are countries that have (and some that still do) depicted the American smile as insincere. Because we live here, we know that most of our smiles are as natural as the air we breathe. While we may plaster a fake one on for a photo we’re not thrilled about taking, or when meeting up with someone we’re not the biggest fan of, by and large, we feel our smiles from the heart. Unless, that is, you are ashamed of the way your teeth look. Fortunately, there is a variety of different cosmetic dental procedures that can improve the appearance of your teeth. Your Buffalo Grove cosmetic dentist will explain that one of the most popular is porcelain dental veneers, and with good reason.

Natural-Looking Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored material that are customized to fit your teeth. Using top-of-the-line dental adhesive, they are attached to the surfaces of your most visible teeth to attain a flawless appearance. The procedure can cover up just about any dental flaw, as long as there’s ample tooth structure for the veneer to adhere to. Porcelain is a terrific material for this cosmetic effort because of the tooth-like translucence it provides. When you rely on an experienced dentist that has a great relationship with a well-versed ceramist, you can expect your veneers to appear like the natural smile you always wished you had been born with.

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

The procedure might begin with removal of a scant amount of tooth enamel from the front of teeth. Why would your Buffalo Grove cosmetic dentist remove part of the protective surfaces of your teeth? In order for veneers to look natural, there needs to be enough room for them. There also needs to be a surface prepared that will respond well to the dental bonding agent so your veneers remain secure for years to come. However, some people are candidates for no-prep veneers. Dr. Engelberg will make a recommendation when you consult with him. Next, impressions are sent to the ceramist who will create your customized veneers. Porcelain veneers can be shaped to your desired look. When the finished product has been achieved, you can brush and floss just as always. However, your smile will feel like a brand new experience.

Buffalo Grove Cosmetic Dentist Offers Porcelain Veneers

Your Buffalo Grove cosmetic dentist can offer many cosmetic options for improving the appearance of your smile, including porcelain veneers. To schedule a cosmetic consultation, call our 60089 cosmetic dentist office at 847-259-6988. We proudly serve patients who reside in the Chicago suburbs of Buffalo Grove, Palatine, Schaumburg, Barrington, Long Grove, Deerfield, Wheeling, the 60015 zip code, and the surrounding communities.
