Lincolnshire Dentist Wants You to Chip In on This Quiz

Do you have trouble smiling without feeling self-conscious because of deep chips that go past the enamel and into the dentin of your teeth? Chipped teeth can happen for a number of reasons, but if you find them embarrassing, your smile confidence can be completely ruined. Chips can also expose you to a higher risk for cavities. If you are curious as to how cosmetic dentistry can make you feel better about the way your smile looks, take this quiz from your Lincolnshire dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg.


Q1. True or false – Dental bonding is an extremely invasive procedure.

Q2. True or false – Teeth that are bonded will not look natural.

Q3. True or false – Porcelain veneers can cover up a multitude of dental issues.


A1. FALSE – Dental bonding is a simple procedure that requires little advanced preparation. Unless you have extremely sensitive teeth, anesthesia is usually not necessary for a chipped tooth. Your Lincolnshire dentist will be able to select a composite resin color that will closely match the color of your surrounding teeth.

A2. FALSE – The surface of the tooth will be rubbed with a mild abrasive, followed by the application of a conditioning substance. The bonding material will easily adhere to the tooth because of this process. The composite resin has a putty-like consistency that can be molded and smoothed into a shape that fits in with the rest of your teeth. Laser or ultraviolet light is then exposed to the material in order dry and harden it to a tooth-like surface. When you and your dentist are satisfied with the contours, polishing will be implemented for a natural looking sheen

A3. TRUE – For patients who have multiple dental issues such as deep stains, cracks, or gaps, porcelain veneers might be a better bet. Veneers produce drastic results that can completely align, smooth, and reshape your smile. These custom made lens-thin shells are placed over the front of teeth. Like bonding, the material will be custom matched to look natural. Porcelain is a perfect material for imitating the way in which light reflects off of natural teeth.

Lincolnshire Dentist

If you would like to arrange a consultation to discuss dental bonding or porcelain veneers with your cosmetic dentist in Lincolnshire, schedule an appointment with our 60069 dentist office by calling 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
