Are Caffeinated Beverages Making Your Smile Dull?

Caffeine is technically a drug, so it isn’t any wonder that so many Americans feel truly addicted to coffee, soda, and other caffeinated beverages. Are you one of the many that doesn’t feel like you’ve truly woken up until you have your morning coffee? Or do you stop at the corner mini-mart multiple times each day for a gargantuan soda just to get through the day? Even if you don’t drink caffeinated beverages to excess, and aren’t bothered by caffeine in any way, there’s one common problem with these drinks (even tea) if you want white, bright teeth. If you are thinking of opting for professional teeth whitening, but want to make sure you have lasting results, you may want to consider giving up the coffee or soda habit beforehand. Your Winnetka cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, will offer some tips.

Educate Yourself

Many drugs and substances seem to be double-edged swords. If you search the internet for caffeine information, you may see multiple articles that talk about health benefits including a possible decrease in heart disease. However, you can find just as much information to the contrary, and including many other issues including anxiety and high blood pressure. Some research has indicated a gene that makes certain people able to handle limitless caffeine with no side-effects, while others get jittery after just one cup of coffee. Gene or no gene, however, when it comes to your teeth, not only is your smile at risk for significant staining and yellowing, but you could also end up with a higher risk for tooth decay if you infuse your coffee with lots of sugar. Once you’re aware of the list of problems and how much better off you’d be with the caffeine monkey off your back, you might have a much easier time saying no to that cup of joe.

Take it Slow

There’s a compelling reason for many people not to give up caffeine. Because it is a drug, stopping this habit can lead to withdrawal. Amongst the symptoms are significant headaches, lethargy, cloudiness, irritability, all of which can be strong enough to give up before you’ve even made it through a day. If you are up to five cups a day, this probably didn’t start overnight, so it can’t be fixed overnight. Take the time to wean yourself off of your caffeinated beverage of choice. Every day, reduce the amount you drink, until you’re finally down to nothing, and you will be able to become caffeine-free in a pain-free way.

Whiter Teeth from Winnetka Cosmetic Dentist

If you would like to arrange a consultation to discuss professional teeth whitening with your cosmetic dentist in Winnetka, schedule an appointment with our 60093 dentist office by calling 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
