Will Eating Too Much Candy Hurt My Gums Too?

On Friday, we explained how consuming too many foods and drinks high in sugar and other starches could impact your teeth. We also provided tips on preventing and recognizing tooth decay. However, your teeth aren’t the only part of your smile at risk. In some cases, eating too much sugar can indirectly impact your gums as well.

Plaque Buildup and Gum Problems

When we consume foods and drinks with a high sugar content, the particles can remain stuck to and between the teeth. Oral bacteria then break down the particles, in the process elevating the levels of oral acidity and coating the teeth in a sticky bacterial byproduct known as plaque.

The buildup can weaken enamel and make the risk of tooth decay increase. However, plaque also irritates the gums. Irritated gums can become inflamed, also known as gingivitis. Without treatment, gingivitis can eventually make the gums pull away from the teeth and form pockets at the gum line, allowing bacteria to enter the pockets and allow periodontal disease to form.

Signs of Trouble

How do you know if you have gingivitis or a risk of developing gum disease? With inflammation, the gums can feel sore, turn more than red than usual, or bleed easily. As the disease develops, the gums may recede as well.

Possible Solutions

During the gingivitis stage, we can reverse the problem completely with a scaling and root planing or an antibacterial mouth rinse. If you develop periodontal disease, we can also provide treatment to manage the disease and prevent the later stages, which can lead to tooth loss. If you have any questions about how our diets can impact oral health, then contact our office today.


Dr. Brent Engelberg and our highly-skilled team proudly serve patients and their families from Arlington Heights, IL, and all surrounding communities, including: Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, and the Northern and Northwest Chicago Suburbs. To learn more, schedule a consultation online, or call our office today at 847-259-8030.

