White Fillings May be the “White” Choice

There are many people walking around on this earth with amalgam fillings which they’ve had in their mouths for many years. Concerns of mercury exposure from amalgam is nothing new, but the scant amount in a tiny dental filling has never proven to be dangerous. That said, improvements in dental restoration materials have allowed dentists to answer to the cosmetic concerns which patients sometimes have regarding permanent metal restorations in their mouths. Glencoe cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg uses multiple types of tooth-colored composite resin material depending on the position and depth of a filling.

The Inception of Amalgam

Different materials have served as fillings, but nothing has ever matched the strength of gold. Unfortunately, gold is expensive, and the appearance of the material is hard to hide. Amalgam fillings answered to the cost prohibitive elements of gold. Amalgam was initially introduced in upstate New York in 1833 by the Crawcour brothers. An alloy of different metals, amalgam includes silver, which has trace amounts of mercury. Furthermore, amalgam did not solve the aesthetic issues of gold fillings. Even though the American Dental Association (ADA) touts the safety of amalgam fillings, many dentist’s offices rarely use the material anymore.

Alternative Materials

Dental fillings are now attainable in both a strong and cosmetic way. Tooth-colored fillings are matched to surrounding teeth for a very natural look. Composite resin has a natural translucence when polished which means that your filling will reflect light in the same way as tooth enamel. Many patients feel more comfortable knowing their mouth is metal free, regardless of scientific evidence of true mercury dangers. However, Dr. Engelberg will rarely recommend replacing metal fillings when there are no other issues at hand. We try to keep your mouth and teeth as healthy as possible, so the fewer invasive dental treatments the better. However, if your metal fillings truly bother you, we can certainly discuss options for replacement.

White Fillings from Glencoe Cosmetic Dentist

Your cosmetic dentist in Glencoe offers procedures that can help with a number of dental issues, including white fillings. You can reach our 60022 dentist office at 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
