Want Teeth Whitening Results to Last? Eat the Right Foods

Is there a way to eat for whiter teeth? While there aren’t foods that will provide you with noticeable whitening, if you are thinking about undergoing a professional teeth bleaching treatment from Northbrook cosmetic dentist, Dr. Engelberg, you may want to consider your future diet as a means of maintaining your smile’s new brightness. Some of the foods that will help keep teeth clean and white may surprise you.


Strawberries may appear bright red, but they are chock full of malic acid. Acid is not something you might normally think is good for your teeth, but as a chief component in strawberries, the compounds acts as a natural astringent which can remove surface tooth stains. The lightly sweet and highly flavorful strawberry is also full of vitamin C which is terrific for your immune system and oral-systemic health.

High Water Content Veggies

Water, in and off itself is a great way to keep staining debris from sitting on your teeth. Certain veggies boast a high water content. Cucumbers, lettuces, radishes, leafy greens, and zucchini are examples of high water content foods that are healthy for your teeth and body. Surprisingly, cauliflower has a high water percentage, and as a cruciferous vegetable, it also scrubs teeth of staining particles.

A Broccoli Toothbrush?

Produce such as blueberries, raspberries, beets, and cranberries are dense in nutrients, but also stain teeth. Broccoli makes a great pairing if you like foods that have staining properties. Like a makeshift toothbrush, the texture and shape of broccoli florets will keep surfaces of teeth cleaner until you can get to an actual toothbrush and toothpaste. Similarly, nuts do the same sort of thing, and go great with berries as a healthy snack.

Visit your Northbrook Cosmetic Dentist

Dr. Engelberg offers both in-office professional bleaching, and at-home bleaching maintenance kits. To reach our 60062 dentist office, call 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
