True or False: Barrington Dentist Quizzes on Porcelain Veneers

It’s no wonder that we speak so often about porcelain veneers. When you need to take care of multiple cosmetic dental issues at one time, veneers can definitely be a great way to go. With a healthy foundation and proper care, your dental veneers can be a part of your beautiful smile for many years to come. Dr. Brent Engelberg, your Barrington cosmetic dentist, would like to challenge you to a true-or-false quiz on veneers.


Q1. True or false – Dental veneers are removable so you can keep your natural teeth clean.

Q2. True or false – Any toothpaste is fine to brush and clean your veneers.

Q3. True or false – Dental porcelain is such a strong material, it will never crack.


A1. FALSE – Porcelain veneers will be securely attached to your teeth with a strong bonding agent and the goal of permanence. This is why it’s so important to have a healthy foundation. If your teeth have decayed, causing part of your cosmetic issues, the infection must first be controlled before any cosmetic efforts could hope to be long-lasting. Once your veneers are in place, you can brush them as you would your natural teeth.

A2. When you brush your veneers, you should use a non-abrasive toothpaste. Abrasive agents in toothpaste can leave tiny scratches in porcelain, creating a dull appearance. If you rinse with mouthwash, make sure it’s alcohol-free. Alcohol has the ability to weaken the adhesive. Your Barrington cosmetic dentist can make some product recommendations after he puts on your veneers.

A3. FALSE – Just as natural teeth can crack, so too can your veneers. You must treat them with care. Don’t use them as a tool to rip open packages or bottles. Save the chewing for food, and don’t make a habit of gnawing on pencils, pens, and fingernails. Be sure not to chomp on ice with any regularity. One unfortunate bite can be all it takes to fracture a veneer.

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers from Barrington Cosmetic Dentist

Your Barrington cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, offers high-quality and durable porcelain veneers to his patients. Dr. Engelberg has other cosmetic options for improving the appearance of anyone’s smile. To schedule a cosmetic consultation, call our Barrington cosmetic dentist office at 847-259-6988. We proudly serve patients who reside in the Chicago suburbs of Buffalo Grove, Palatine, Schaumburg, Barrington, Long Grove, Deerfield, Wheeling, the 60004 zip code, and the surrounding communities.
