How Porcelain Veneers Work

Your smile’s appearance can be affected by a number of different issues, so cosmetic dental treatment must be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. With porcelain veneers, your dentist can customize your treatment to address a wide variety of issues with minimal changes to your natural teeth. Custom-made porcelain veneers work to correct the color, size, shape, alignment, and spacing of your teeth with minimal changes to their structures, improving your long-term oral health as well as your smile’s appearance.

Offering Nearly Instant Smile Improvement

Veneers are called such because the thin layers of dental porcelain are bonded to the front surfaces of one or more teeth. After your dentist carefully examines and measures your teeth, a skilled technician at a trusted, high-end dental laboratory will hand-craft your veneers to match your needs. During your next visit, your dentist will carefully bond the highly realistic veneers to your corresponding teeth, completely transforming your smile with just a single procedure.

Addressing Multiple Cosmetic Issues

Besides their simplicity, another major benefit of modern porcelain veneers is that they can address several different kinds of cosmetic issues at once. For instance, if your teeth are stained, chipped, unevenly spaced, or experience more than one blemish at the same time, veneers may be able to address all of them simultaneously. With custom veneers, you can save time by not having to visit the dentist for several different treatments, and you can preserve your teeth by minimizing how much work must be done!


Dr. Brent Engelberg and our highly-skilled team proudly serve patients and their families from Arlington Heights, IL, and all surrounding communities, including: Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, and the Northern and Northwest Chicago Suburbs. To learn more, schedule a consultation online, or call our office today at 847-259-8030.
