How Do You Address Gum Disease?

On Tuesday, we looked at gingivitis. Also known as inflammation, gingivitis can eventually lead to the onset of gum disease unless treated. However, should you develop periodontal disease, how do we treat it? We can provide an array of treatment options to successfully manage your periodontal issues and protect you from serious complications, such as periodontitis.

Frequently Asked Questions About Treating Gum Disease

Question: Will you prescribe a deep cleaning?

Answer: For minor cases of gum disease, or for cases of gingivitis, we may recommend a deep cleaning. Also known as an ultrasonic scaling and root planing, we use a special device to remove plaque from the teeth and the roots, which reduces the severity of inflammation and helps close periodontal pockets.

Question: Can you offer medications?

Answer: We can also recommend antimicrobial rinses and antibiotics and to address inflammation and restore the health of the gum tissue. Again, these are for more minor cases, but can also be used in conjunction with other treatment options.

Question: Do you ever provide laser treatment?

Answer: Yes! Using dental lasers, we can remove plaque and infected tissue. Healthy tissue can then adhere to the teeth and close periodontal pockets. Using lasers means little to no need for anesthesia, and a significantly reduced risk of bleeding and infection following treatment. The healing period is also much shorter, especially when compared to the same treatment using scalpels instead of laser dentistry.

Question: What happens if the issue isn’t addressed in a timely manner?

Answer: Without treatment, gum disease can eventually enter a more advanced stage. Known as periodontitis, this stage can actually lead to the tissues connecting the gums and teeth breaking down, causing adult tooth loss.


Dr. Brent Engelberg and our highly-skilled team proudly serve patients and their families from Arlington Heights, IL, and all surrounding communities, including: Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, and the Northern and Northwest Chicago Suburbs. To learn more, schedule a consultation online, or call our office today at 847-259-8030.

