Do Dental Implants Make you Look Younger?

Your beautiful smile might get taken for granted from time to time. You’ll never regret this more than if you end up losing a tooth. Rooted teeth might be a natural occurrence, so it stands to reason that losing them feels very unnatural and uncomfortable. Accidents and injuries are sometimes impossible to avoid, but keeping up with your oral hygiene is a great way to keep your teeth for your entire life. If your best laid plans don’t end up working out, fortunately there are replacements for missing teeth from Skokie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg. Dental implants provide a return to functionality as well as renewed aesthetics.

The Most Realistic Option: Dental Implants

Attaining natural looking teeth is at the forefront of many people’s minds when they consider replacements. However, there are also physical concerns as well. Who wants to give up their favorite foods because their false teeth might slip? Biting into a crisp, freshly picked apple might signify one of your favorite fall time activities. Gnawing on a big turkey leg could be what you look forward to most on Thanksgiving. Maybe you count the days until fresh corn-on-the cob is available at your local farmstand in the summer. If you wear dentures or removable bridges, you’ll have to be careful what you bite into. With dental implants, your teeth are stronger than ever.

Looking Youthful

Most people think about the benefits of strong, nice looking teeth when they consider dental implants. Another advantage is avoiding facial collapse. This condition occurs when the body stops sending minerals and nutrients to the section of jawbone where your tooth is missing. You end up with a decrease in jawbone density. The bone shrinkage causes your cheeks to sink or collapse in. This is very disconcerting to many people. If you want to maintain your vibrant and youthful appearance, dental implants will help you do just that.

Dental Implants from your Skokie Cosmetic Dentist

If you are in need of any cosmetic dental work, schedule an appointment with your Skokie cosmetic dentist, call our 60076 dentist office at 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
