Are your Teeth Decaying Beneath your Veneers?

Porcelain dental veneers are a cosmetic treatment which can completely makeover multiple smile flaws. If you feel self-conscious about your smile, veneers remain one of the fastest and most versatile treatments for incredible results. Unfortunately, there are cosmetic dentists out there who cut corners. With porcelain veneers, a healthy foundation is essential in order for the cosmetic dental work to last. Some people mistakenly assume that porcelain veneers provide a barrier to protect teeth from all future cavities. Vernon Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg wants to put this myth to rest and make sure that you maintain good oral hygiene practices after you opt for porcelain dental veneers.

The Importance of Quality

Do porcelain veneers protect against cavities? The short answer is “no.” Veneers are extremely thin porcelain shells which are adhered to the outer surfaces of natural teeth marred by chips, cracks, gaps, or other imperfections you are unhappy with. Veneers are shaped and polished to look natural in shape and translucence. When you rely on an experienced dentist, you can rest assured that he will go to bat for you in the
quest for quality and longevity. By cultivating strong relationships with experienced ceramists, you can rest assured that porcelain dental veneers from Dr. Engelberg will offer you a  healthy, beautiful, natural looking smile. That said, veneers don’t seal your teeth from elements which cause tooth decay.

Dental Hygiene with Veneers

The idea that veneers might act as a strong tooth enamel-like protection for your teeth isn’t such a far stretch. However, dental veneers simply won’t entirely protect your teeth from germs. Heavily adhered porcelain certainly won’t be susceptible to cavities within the synthetic material. However, if you don’t take good care of your teeth after you receive veneers, the areas underneath can definitely end up with cavities because the veneer does not go all the way around. You should continue to remain meticulous with brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and keeping up with biannual checkups and cleanings.

Visit your Vernon Hills Cosmetic Dentist

If you would like to arrange a consultation for any cosmetic dental procedures, including high quality dental veneers, schedule an appointment with our 60061 dentist office by calling 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
