Avoid the Recession…of Gum Tissue

Gum recession is a dental issue which you’re likely to notice yourself when it occurs, and if not, your dentist will at your six month checkup. Though gradual recession of gum tissues is a normal part of aging, severe periodontal disease or fragile gum tissues can lead to much more severe and rapid receding that can make your teeth look larger or make your smile appear uneven.

Fragile Gums

Gum recession is obviously most noticeable when it occurs on your front teeth. However, the condition can happen on any area of your gumline, on both the inner or outer sides of any of your teeth. The best means of dealing with gum recession is prevention. If you can stop recession before it starts through good oral hygiene, you should be able to keep your beautiful smile nicely framed well into your golden years. Unfortunately, some people are pre-disposed to gum recession due to thin and fragile oral tissue. If this is you, there may not be a way to stop gum recession from happening to some degree. However, regular dental checkups will allow Dr. Brent Engelberg to get to know your mouth and identify problems at their earliest stages, when treatment can be easier and less invasive.

Bacterial Gum Infections

Luckily, the prevention of gum recession is as simple as proper oral hygiene and visiting the dentist every six months. Gum disease, put simply, is a bacterial infection. In the beginning stages, periodontal disease doesn’t show many symptoms, if any at all. Gum disease can progress if not treated, however, which can end up in deterioration of the underlying jawbone which supports your teeth. If you notice any symptoms such as puffiness or bleeding on your gum tissues, make an appointment with Dr. Engelberg. Biannual checkups will ensure that plaque and tartar buildup remain under control. Be sure to floss daily and brush at least twice-a-day as well.

Visit your Elk Grove Cosmetic Dentist

If you would like to arrange a consultation with our 60009 dentist office, call 847-259-8030. We are happy to serve patients in Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, Libertyville, Skokie, Evanston, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Northwest Chicago Suburbs, and Northern Chicago Suburbs.
